Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Field Trip

For Eli's kindergarten class trip we went to the zoo in Wichita last week. We had a great time. All of the animals were active, which made for a very enjoyable visit. Eli's favorite part of the day was watching the penguins diving into the water and swimming right past him. The bus trip back was very quiet. Just about every kid was asleep before we left town.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!!

Hope all of you mothers had a very special day. I wish I could have been back in PK with mine, but we had a nice weekend here in Marion. I was surprised with a big basket of goodies from "Bath and Bodyworks" and Mike took the kids to the park for an hour by himself so I could have some alone time. It was a very nice day!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Guess who won?

Last night, Tori was bouncing a couple of balls and asking us to give her words to spell while she bounced them. It is an exercise she learned in the ba-la-visics program at school. Mike jokingly asked her to spell "antidisestablishmentarianism" and he would let her choose whatever she would like for dinner. We had pepperoni pizza, cheese breadsticks AND cinnamon sticks from Pizza Hut. By the way, Mike doesn't care for Pizza Hut. He!He!He!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Eli's Song

Last night Eli came up to me and said that he needed paper, a pen and a microphone. He was writing a song and he wanted to sing it to everyone when he was finished. He wrote his song, made copies for everyone and told us all to gather in the family room so he could sing it. When everyone was in the room he whispered in my ear "Mom, tell them to go away, I think I have stage fright". I had to fight to keep from laughing, it was so cute. Everyone cleared the room and I got my own private concert of Eli's song "Plees Dont Catch Me".

Friday, May 2, 2008

Girl's Night!

Tonight I was invited to a friend's house for a "girls night". We left the kids/husbands at home and watched "27 Dresses". We snacked and had a great time hanging out together. I would definitely recommend this movie. It was so sweet and funny. Also, it was nice to be able to watch a whole movie without needing to hit the pause button or rewind it b/c I missed something! We are planning to so it again soon.